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Augustyński is a Polish surname of Western European origin (feminine form: Augustyńska, plural form: Augustyńscy). The etymology of the surname indicates its origins from the Latin "augustus," meaning "dignified," "majestic," "grand," "sacred," "admirable." The title of Augustus was used for Roman emperors and kings. Derived from this, Italian surnames such as "Augusto," "d'Agostino," "Agostini" were found among the patricians, signifying a person "endowed with good fortune." "Augustine" is an ancient Anglo-Saxon surname, which gained popularity during the Middle Ages in England and Western Europe. This was due to two saints: Augustine of Hippo and Augustine of Canterbury, a Benedictine monk and evangelist of the British Isles. In the 12th century, it became widespread among crusaders returning from the Holy Land. In later times, it became less common during the reign of Henry VIII due to the semantic association with the "old religion."


The adjective "augustyński" describes a semantic connection with Augustine of Hippo and his doctrine, that is, Augustinianism. Also, in reference to the reign of the Saxon electors who bore the name August, known as the "Augustinian age." This family is characterized by the ancient coat of arms of Urien, the ruler of Rheged in the 6th century, which features a chevron and three ravens. In the coat of arms of Western European families with variations of the surname "Augustine," a chevron is common, symbolizing the builders of fortresses and protectors of the weak. It was associated with symbols such as the triple cross (Austin), a star (Agosto), a crown (August), or a raven (Augustin). The surname Augustyński appears in the records of Warsaw, Tylicz, Śmigiel, in the history of the 16th-century Polish-Swedish wars, the Polish peasant movement, as well as the struggles for freedom during the partitions, the Second Polish Republic, the Nazi occupation, and the People's Republic of Poland (PRL).


In the Latin parish registers, which date back before the 20th century, the surname was recorded as "Augustinski". This form appears in East Prussia and Saxony. Polish rulers from the Wettin dynasty, such as August II the Strong and August III the Saxon, bore this surname. The German actor Peer Augustinski (1940–2014) and his daughter, Olivia Augustinski (born December 11, 1964), also carried this surname. Outside of Poland, the surname appears in forms such as "Augustynski," "Augustinski," or "Augustinsky," most commonly in France, Slovakia, and Germany. As of December 2022, 914 individuals in Poland bore the surname Augustyński: 456 women and 458 men.


The oldest history of the General Adult Education High School intertwines with the history of the current 1st Jan Stanisław Staszic High School, which operated in 1945 under the name State High School and Gymnasium under the direction of Dr. Henryk Augustyński. From 1945 until now, the adult high school is located in the building of the mentioned youth high school. The 2nd Jan III Sobieski High School in Krakow is a secondary school that has been operating in Krakow since 1883. The surname Augustyński is also associated with it. The 2nd Jan III Sobieski High School in Krakow, formerly the 3rd State Gymnasium named after King Jan Sobieski, is a secondary school (general high school) located in Krakow at Jana Sobieskiego Street 9–13, in the district of Piasek. It has been operating since 1883.


In 1897, the school moved to a new building designed by Józef Sarego. It is located at Sobieskiego 9 Street, where it remains to this day. During World War I, many residents of Sobieski participated in the fights, with some giving their lives for their homeland. After Poland regained independence, the students funded a commemorative plaque currently located inside the school. It continued its activities under the name III Jan Sobieski High School. In 1906, students established the first football club in Krakow. In 1923, they also founded the first ice hockey section in Krakow.


After many years and life's tribulations, I can finally bear my family coat of arms, and I feel that I have fully earned it - through knowledge, skills, and care for this Polish land and language. For many years, noble people in Poland were persecuted, imprisoned, and murdered, and to this day, the belief persists that they were to blame for everything. History doesn't look like that, and the persecution of noble individuals has caused social malaise, as foolish people stand in power. It is time to understand what nobility carries and why it is desired by some, considering that they continue to change their names to end with 'ski, remaining mere aliases. Changing a surname brings no benefit. It is also high time to seek help from these noble people, utilizing their wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, and lineage, as otherwise, we will continue where we are, in the dark... of Europe - without nobility, consciousness, patriotism, or knowledge of anything. Today, we have issues allowing mediocre and impostor individuals into power. It is already evident to the naked eye.

Best regards
Witold Augustyński
